Leading the Conversation: TOSLA’s CEO Shares Expertise and Vision   

In recent months, Primož Artač, the CEO and visionary behind TOSLA Nutricosmetics, took some time off his busy schedule to engage in conversations and share his perspective and experience in the rapidly growing industry of beauty supplements.

With clear mission to raise awareness about the nutricosmetics sector, promote beauty from within, and advocate for inner wellness, our CEO joined in on various podcasts. Tuning in, he was not just spreading the word about TOSLA Nutricosmetics and the novelties that were accomplished in the last few months but about the whole beauty industry, regulatory matters, sustainability approaches, and trends on the market. He shared his commitment to innovation, research, and sustainability.

Among others, Primož Artač joined forces with Leap Insights Ventures. Sharing the stage with Sera Akinci, they delved into the world of collagen as a supplement, a key ingredient revolutionizing the beauty and wellness space. They touched on considering entering the beauty industry, the importance of ethical production, top-quality ingredients, and the quality of the end products.

The full episode, which Sara describes as “an eye-opening conversation on the booming beauty and supplement industry”, is available on the link HERE

Another industry-specific podcast that invited Primož to be their guest is Beauty Biohacks, led by Iryna Kremin, the founder of the INNOCOS club.

They discussed the transformative effects of collagen supplementation on skin health and vitality. Touched on the understanding of the quality certifications and transparency in the beauty and wellness industry.

Join an honest, clear, and to-the-point conversation with the link HERE.

In addition to that Primož also joined the Nutricosmetics 2030 show. Talking with the “collagen guy,” Matic Batagelj, he joined episode #07, sharing his beauty supplements industry insights. The episode delves into the rapidly evolving landscape of nutricosmetics. From market saturation to consumer needs, they both explore the factors driving growth in the industry and the emergence of so-called “hybrid beauty brands” integrating supplements into their cosmetic lines.  

Discover why liquid formats are gaining popularity and how companies like TOSLA are pioneering innovation to meet consumer demands HERE.

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